by Joe Vaz

From Issue 15 (Nov 2011)

Editor’s Note Nov 2011

We’re late.
What an insane month October was.
In my other life, (the one that pays my bills at the end of the month), I am an actor and unfortunately, for Something Wicked at least, October was one of the busiest months I’ve ever had.

Within 48 hours of wrapping up Issue 14 I was on a film set and that pretty much set the tone for the entire month, across three shoots and two continents I worked non-stop for the entire month.

Even now I am writing this on a set in-between shots. That’s my way of saying, “I’m sorry guys, I know we’re late,” there have literally not been enough hours in the day to get this issue out on time.

Fortunately my slaves assistants were hard at work editing and proofing the stories for this month’s issue, so progress was made, but the delay is all my fault.

But let us not worry about the past and instead look forward to the future.

Let me get going with the Nov issue; our first story this month comes from Lynne Jamneck and it’s a journey into “darkest Africa” at the turn of the last century, where a small group of adventurers go in search of answers in “Into The Black Abyss”.

Next up is “Scission” which is about an epic battle between good and evil by Domenico Pisanti as both forces meet for a showdown… over lunch.

Our third story for the month is “Mindflow” by Cedar Sanderson, in which a generation ship carries its crew in search of a habitable planet, and we close of the issue with a story of possession and exorcism in “What is Evil, What is Not” by Sylvia Hiven.

Our feature interview for the month is with author Steven Amsterdam and we review his book, Things We Didn’t See Coming.

Our non-fiction piece for this month takes a look at the South African genre scene written by SL Grey, as well as our usual madness and nonsense in Mark Sykes’s Sixth Sense of Humour, which this month is an homage to homages.

And that’s our issue; we hope you enjoy it and that the wait was worth it. To our subscribers, once again my sincere apologies and please have a look at our heartfelt video apology on the site or through which will hopefully put a bit of a smile on your dial.

Thank you all again for the continued support of our little mag.

Till next month, farewell.



12:16pm 2 November 2011

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