by Joe Vaz

From Issue 17 (Dec 2011)

Editor’s Note Jan 2012

Wow. Well, here we are: January 2012, the year it all ends, (according to some).
Well, here you are – I’m actually writing this from the middle of December last year. That’s time-travel, Kyle.
So what’s the year look like so far?
From our side, it’s looking bloody brilliant.

We’ve got a great bunch of original stories for you this issue. That’s right, four brand-new, never-before-seen stories, starting with She Can See Tomorrow Today, by Mel Odom, wherein a young woman negotiates for her freedom. Concerning Harmonies and Oceans by K.A. Dean, is about a young boy whose voice could change his family’s destiny. Genevieve Rose Taylor’s The Lighthouse is an intimate, nostalgic story set in a small coastal town.
And we close off the issue with Cat Hellison’s Jack of Spades, reversed, a wholly original SF/Fantasy trip.

Our feature interview this month is with both Charlie Human and Sam Wilson, two of the five South African authors featured in Pandemonium: Stories of The Apocalypse, which itself is reviewed in this issue by Karen Jeynes.

Well, that’s the month of January taken care of, now it’s off to start work on February. Thanks for reading and, if you’re a subscriber, thanks for supporting us – your subscriptions mean a lot to us as it allows us to be able to plan ahead.

Till next month.

19 December 2011

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