by Joe Vaz

Issue 18 (Feb 2012)

Editor’s Note Feb 2012

Well 2012 is gaining momentum, and so are we.

Our subscriber base is steadily growing and we thank you all for supporting our little mag.

In Issue 18 of Something Wicked we have some astounding stories for you.

First up is a bit of dark humour in Summer Hanford’s extremely wry and funny “The Death of Satan and The Imprisonment of God”.

Next is a fantastic piece of near-future SF-noir in Thomas Carl Sweterlitsch’s “The Disposable Man”.

We follow that with our reprint for this issue, Nick Wood’s “Of Hearts and Monkeys”, an African post-apocalyptic story set in Cape Town.

And we close off the issue with a tale by David McCool about an old man recollecting the story of “Billy Bogroll” and the missing choldren.

We introduce a new book reviewer with this issue; Deon van Heerden, who starts off his tenure with us with a review of The Recollection by Gareth L Powell, and the graphic novel, Mazeworld by Alan Grant & Arthur Ranson.

In expectation of the release of Blue Remembered Earth next month we’ve decided to reprint our Issue 7 interview with Alastair Reynolds.

All in all an awesome issue, as I hope you’ll agree.

In Issue 19 expect some more great fiction with SF from RWW Greene and some horror from Chris Stevens, Nick Scorza and Peter Damien.

Thanks, as usual, to our lovely subscribers without whom, well, let’s not go there…

‘Til next month.



12:08am 29 Jan 2012

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