Posts Tagged ‘David McCool’

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Inkless Media & eKhaya present the Something Wicked Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Volume Two.
We are delighted to announce that eKhaya will be co-publishing the Something Wicked Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Volume Two with Joe Vaz and Vianne Venter at Inkless Media. Joe and Vianne have been tireless nurturers of South African and international genre talent for years, and are thrilled to have eKhaya lend their support to this anthology.

The awesome cover art has been illustrated by celebrated South African artist, Vincent Sammy, a Something Wicked stalwart.

Volume Two marks the official transition of Something Wicked from magazine to annual anthology, featuring 25 brand new stories by writers from South Africa and abroad; seasoned veterans and first-timers brought together in a single book containing tales of post-apocalyptic dystopias, alternate realities, far-future science fiction and good old-fashioned blood-chilling horror, edited and compiled by the doting godparents of South African genre fiction, Joe Vaz and Vianne Venter. Let your mind wander across distant galaxies, down darkened alleys, and across oceans of floating cities and let Something Wicked be your guide.
Let the journey begin. “Joe and Vianne are talent-spotters … par excellence.” – Lauren Beukes

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Published by eKhaya & Inkless Media
Paperback: 388 pages

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interview by Vianne Venter

I was stuck for an hour or two in this really old train station in the middle of nowhere, and had the misfortune of needing to use the bathroom. They were in a little concrete hut. The smell was so bad I couldn't breathe and I had to tip toe in and out because the place was flooded with murky liquid. When I went in, the attendant, who looked at least 80, was mopping up. Only he wasn't doing much more than smudging the dirt around.
You had to pay to use the facilities, and after he took my money he sat down on a little wooden chair in the middle of it all and lit up a cigarette. I think he was watching me to check I didn't get more than my money's worth. The whole thing was straight out of a horror.

From Issue 18 (Feb 2012)
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by David McCool

A couple of months ago - I'm talking mid-June, right smack in that heat wave - I took a walk into the town centre to kill some time on what was likely the hottest day of the year. Had I stayed at home I'd have risked dozing off in front of the TV, and, at my age, my sleep pattern doesn't need much more than a five-second, head-jerking snooze for it to be thrown right out of sync. Working in the garden wasn't an option, either. I'd have been sizzled good, even with factor 50 and a straw hat on my side.

Issue 18 (Feb 2012)
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