Posts Tagged ‘Paul Marlowe’

Edited by Joe Vaz & Vianne Venter

“Like a serial-killing zombie clown’s suitcase, the Something Wicked Anthology is full of deliciously wicked surprises, packing more stellar stories into its pages than anyone has a right to expect. Guaranteed scares, superb illustrations and stunning production values from the doting godparent of South African shocks – don’t read after midnight, and don’t miss out.”

– SL Grey

“[Editors] Joe and Vianne are talent-spotters of writers and illustrators par excellence, and superb editors. Definite recommend!”

– Lauren Beukes, author of Zoo City

Published by Inkless Media
Paperback 386 pages
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edited by Joe Vaz & Vianne Venter

Limited Edition ONLY 100 PRINTED White-Cover Anthology:
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“It is hard to find a body of work more darkly enjoyable than the twenty issues (to date) of Something Wicked magazine.
Something Wicked has an extraordinarily high hit rate. There’s a great combination of daring taste and excellent talent on display, making this an incredible collection of magazines.”

– Jared Shurin,

Published by Inkless Media
PB 386 pages
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interview by Joe Vaz

I often forget exactly what inspired a story, probably because it's usually a convergence of several things. Or sometimes because of a lack of sleep. (See question 2.) One thing that contributed to it was a realization that Rafe's timeline was going to coincide with the Jack the Ripper murders.

From Issue 13 (Sept 2011)
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by Paul Marlowe

London! Paragon of cities. How many wonders there are, in its villas, its marketplaces, in its streets and tunnels. London – this uncommon weal of fateful miracles, and of horrors that I know only too well. Cheek by jowl a multitude lie, a thousand-thousand strange tales between them, unknown but for the chance mis-step into an unfamiliar alleyway – the passing glimpse along a half-lit, fog-swathed street. So has it always been in the great cities that draw in every kind of creature. Those who toil; those who live upon them. The builders, the wreckers. Town- and country-men. The eager, the wicked, the mad; and not from this isle alone, but from all the ends of the world. Indeed, not only from this… but now, let me see. How to begin.

From Issue 13 (Sept 2011)
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by Paul Marlowe

FOR AS LONG AS WE’VE SOUGHT to understand and manipulate the world there has been magic. It could be the painting of animals’ images on cave walls to control or placate them. It could be the plotting of the stars’ motions and the tracing of their effects on earthly events. Or just ways to win friends and influence people. And for as long as some have looked for occult power, others have condemned that power, real or imaginary. Two trials show how far attitudes towards magic can change with different times and circumstances.

From Issue 13 (Sept 2011)
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interview by Joe Vaz

I was interested in the idea of making a murder mystery that crossed the boundary between physical reality and virtual reality, and came up with the plot of "Alpha & Omega". The title, I hope, works in a number of different ways. McHaffey being a priest as well as a policeman, there are some obvious religious connotations.

Cover Art by 

Vincent Sammy From Issue 11 (July 2011)
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by Paul Marlowe

“May cause disorientation and transient emotional anomalies… do not use in combination with other nanopharmaceuticals… consult a physician before use…. Harmless, was that what she called this stuff?”

McHaffey sighed and tilted back his head. He hated putting things into his eyes, but there didn’t seem to be any choice.

Cover Art by 

Vincent Sammy From Issue 11 (July 2011)
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Poster Illustrated by Vincent Sammy

The Resident Member – A Radio Play

Written by Paul Marlowe

Adapted for Radio and Directed by Digby Young

On any given day, the intrepid members of the Etheric Explorers Club can be found frustrating prophesies, wrestling with ancient evils, and generally striding boldly down the dark alleys of life, in order to fill in those portions of man’s map of reality that are, perhaps, better left blank. As with any club, though, there are always members who stay behind so as not to miss a second helping of pudding. This is their story.

Starring Gideon Emery, Joe Vaz, Digby Young, Damon Berry and Christa Schamberger Young.

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