Posts Tagged ‘SA Partridge’

Bloody Parchmentby SA Partridge

3rd place

The world outside the window was expectant. A black cat streaked across the gutter onto the roof, stopping only for the tiniest second to shine its yellow eyes into the room before darting away. Rain was threatening. The greens were brighter, the rough red bricks of the neighbouring apartment block more stark. In the distance, Table Mountain loomed. A neat row of ants marched through a crack in the wall, seeking shelter. The whole world seemed to be in on a secret. Anton was good at keeping secrets.

He watched, noticed things. How someone would turn around and look behind them as they walked. The child that took something that didn’t belong to them when they thought no one else was looking. From his window on the fourth floor, he saw everything. When the rain began to spit against the glass, he sighed and turned away. His vigil was over. The rain sounded like hundreds of fingertips tapping at his window and drowned out the sound of mice devouring the floorboards. Read more »

Lounge of Horror A5 09-10-09The Expedition.
A haunted house, a foreign city…in Mauritius
(This piece will appear in the Home Away collection, to be published in 2010)
Read live by S.A. Partridge at The Lounge of Horror.
Recorded at The Book Lounge in Cape Town on the 23rd of October 2009.
In Association with HorrorFest V (( and
Something Wicked SF and Horror Magazine (
Mechanical Rights 2009 by Something Wicked and Inkless Media
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