Posts Tagged ‘Vincent Sammy’

with foreward by Joe Vaz

Publisher: Short, Scary Tales Publications
ISBN: 978-1-909640-54-2,
Hardcover, First Edition, 7.5 x 9.25 inches, 86 pages, £21.95
Available from: Amazon,

The Damage Museum is the first book that features the art of Vincent Sammy, a freelance illustrator who hails from South Africa and specializes in horror, science fiction and the macabre.

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Inkless Media & eKhaya present the Something Wicked Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Volume Two.
We are delighted to announce that eKhaya will be co-publishing the Something Wicked Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Volume Two with Joe Vaz and Vianne Venter at Inkless Media. Joe and Vianne have been tireless nurturers of South African and international genre talent for years, and are thrilled to have eKhaya lend their support to this anthology.

The awesome cover art has been illustrated by celebrated South African artist, Vincent Sammy, a Something Wicked stalwart.

Volume Two marks the official transition of Something Wicked from magazine to annual anthology, featuring 25 brand new stories by writers from South Africa and abroad; seasoned veterans and first-timers brought together in a single book containing tales of post-apocalyptic dystopias, alternate realities, far-future science fiction and good old-fashioned blood-chilling horror, edited and compiled by the doting godparents of South African genre fiction, Joe Vaz and Vianne Venter. Let your mind wander across distant galaxies, down darkened alleys, and across oceans of floating cities and let Something Wicked be your guide.
Let the journey begin. “Joe and Vianne are talent-spotters … par excellence.” – Lauren Beukes

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Published by eKhaya & Inkless Media
Paperback: 388 pages

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Edited by Joe Vaz & Vianne Venter

“Like a serial-killing zombie clown’s suitcase, the Something Wicked Anthology is full of deliciously wicked surprises, packing more stellar stories into its pages than anyone has a right to expect. Guaranteed scares, superb illustrations and stunning production values from the doting godparent of South African shocks – don’t read after midnight, and don’t miss out.”

– SL Grey

“[Editors] Joe and Vianne are talent-spotters of writers and illustrators par excellence, and superb editors. Definite recommend!”

– Lauren Beukes, author of Zoo City

Published by Inkless Media
Paperback 386 pages
Available Now From Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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edited by Joe Vaz & Vianne Venter

Limited Edition ONLY 100 PRINTED White-Cover Anthology:
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“It is hard to find a body of work more darkly enjoyable than the twenty issues (to date) of Something Wicked magazine.
Something Wicked has an extraordinarily high hit rate. There’s a great combination of daring taste and excellent talent on display, making this an incredible collection of magazines.”

– Jared Shurin,

Published by Inkless Media
PB 386 pages
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Cover Art by Vincent Sammy

Vincent Sammy

I illustrate primarily in watercolours. I find it fast and effective. I usually add backgrounds in photoshop, as well as add effects and final visual optimisation. But the basic image is always done in watercolours. I like having an actual "original" artwork.

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by Abi Godsell

The doctor is small and grey-haired. He talks rapidly and jumps between subjects. It's hard to believe that this abrupt little man headed up the team that implanted the world's most advanced artificial intelligence into the body of a brain-dead teenager.

My editor is going to have a field day.

"It worked out well though. Her parents had given up, they were looking for a reason to pull the plug. Donating the body to science must have seemed easier.".

Cover Art by Vincent Sammy From Issue 11 (July 2011)
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Cover Art by Vincent Sammy

Vincent Sammy

Creating a cover-piece usually depends on whether I have a story to work from, or whether I am given free reign in deciding what content can go on the cover. Both are challenging in there own way as the one limits you to the subject matter and you need to try an establish the best possible visual angle from the story, while the other has the challenge of trying to come up with an image that is as new and fresh as possible.

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By A. Roberts

He heard the shells coming, could almost feel them rumbling through the sky, like air-borne express trains, and he knew that when they landed, ton upon ton of earth, men and weaponry would again be flung as much as fifty paces into the air.

“Shells incoming,” someone screamed, as though three years of war had left the few old soldiers in any doubt as to just what was incoming. Men began diving into prepared holes in the ground, while others sought refuge in the remains of buildings standing like rotten, broken teeth on the remains of the only paved road the town had once enjoyed. On the outskirts of the town, someone began hitting the horn of a heavy-duty vehicle, its blast ending only with the explosions of the first shells.

Something Wicked Issue 10
Published in
Something Wicked Issue 10

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By Sean & Craig Davis

Billy tried to lick the stinging ache from his fingers. His mind struggled to remember why they hurt. His thoughts wandered with the woody breeze running through his hair and damp earth cooling his feet. He understood one thing: he was free.

He was searching for something, but just what kept sinking back into the murky depths of his mind. He sniffed the air and then gouged his fingers into the ridged bark of a tree in frustration. Something rumbled ahead.

He pushed through leafy branches to a clearing where a red, metal box rolled to a stop at the edge of a cliff. Two figures got out and he hid behind a tree to listen.

Something Wicked Issue 10
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Something Wicked Issue 10

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By Abigail Godsell

Jarred tapped the steering wheel in time to the drumbeat, as his black Ford Mustang cruised down the desert road, blaring heavy metal. Dust trailed him, clouding the view in his mirror. The song’s rhythm wasn’t doing much to cut his boredom. It wasn’t a particularly good one. It was however, the only track on the CD, given to him by a friend who’d told him he needed some decent road music. Sometimes he really hated Tristan’s sense of humour.

His eyes scanned the horizon, running over the border between desert and sky blankly until they alit on something curious. It grew as he drove nearer, slowly morphing from a curious, small, black speck into an even more curious, tall, black girl.

Something Wicked Issue 10
Published in
Something Wicked Issue 10

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